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Camps at Silvers Stables

In addition to year round horseback riding lessons, and horse training, Silvers Stables offers these camps throughout the year:

Beginner Camps (throughout year)
Adult Camp (May)
Summer Camps (June-July)

Pre-Team / Academy / Performance Camp (Winter and Summer)
Winter Camps (Dec-Feb)

Located in Greer, SC, Silvers Stables is 30 minutes from Greenville, 25 minutes from Travelers Rest, 50 minutes from Anderson, 35 minutes from Hendersonville, and 50 minutes from Asheville. Please see below for our upcoming equestrian camps. 

2024 and 2025 Winter Camps


5075 Jordan Rd. Greer, SC 29651


Winter Camps at Silvers Stables:


Enjoy a  camp filled with horseback riding, crafts, and horse activities.


Camps are a great way to introduce riders to horseback riding or to increase the skill level of a rider who already has experience. These camps are great for beginners through advanced riders and are focused on individual improvement. Learn how to ride, drive, lead, groom, and take care of horses in a fun environment that includes a heated indoor space and a covered arena. We have camps for children and adults. We have multiple camp options for riders of all ages and riding levels at varying lengths and across multiple dates. Please see the list below for camp dates, pricing, and important information. 


****NOTE: rider weight limit = 185 lbs


All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable.





--------Colt Breaking Camp: 12/6-12/8, Fri-Sun

* Friday through Saturday, 4:30-7:30 pm AND Sunday, 3:00-6:00 pm.

*$225 ($50 deposit, spot only secured by deposit) 

*This 3-day camp is for advanced riders and horsemen only. These students must currently ride with Silvers Stables. It is limited to 5 students who are 12 years old or older at the start of camp. This is for serious riders who desire to know more about training. This camp is geared on starting at working with colts at various stages of development.  



--------Project Trainer Camp: 12/20-12/22, Fri-Sun

* Friday through Saturday, 4:30-7:30 pm AND Sunday, 3:00-6:00 pm.

*$300 ($100 deposit, spot only secured by deposit) 

*This 3-day camp is for riders who are intermediate to advanced and can canter very well. These students must currently ride with Silvers Stables. It is limited to 4 students who are 11 years old or older at the start of camp. This is for serious riders who desire to know more about training. They will work one-on-one with a trainer with one horse, their project, for the camp. Spots only held with paid deposit.



--------All Level Rider Winter Camp: 12/26-12/27, Thurs-Fri

*Thursday and Friday, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon

*$185 ($75 deposit)


Come and join us for 2 days of horseback riding, crafts, and horse

activities. Learn howto ride, lead, groom, and take care of horses in a

fun environment with a heated indoor space and covered arena. This

is for students who are brand new beginners through

advanced riders. 




*Non-refundable $75 deposit due to hold child’s spot. The rest of the

camp fee is dueon the first day of camp. Please message us or

call/text 864-554-4674 (Kati Silvers) with questions.




-Information Form and Release required before a child under the age of 18 can stay

for camp and before anyone can ride. Please fill this out on the first morning of camp.

-Helmet - All riders must wear a helmet – helmets are provided but feel free to bring your own.

-Rider weight limit is 185 lbs.


*Early drop off of $25 per day if you’d like to arrange for early drop off before 9 am (no earlier than 8 am)



--------Form to Function Boot Camp (Equitation) Tuesday, 12/31.

* Tuesday, Dec 31 from (9:00 am until 12:30 pm)

*$100 ($25 deposit, spot only secured by deposit) 

*This single day camp is open to any rider on the show team. This camp will drill and focus on proper form for both ACADEMY AND PERFORMANCE.  These students must currently ride with Silvers Stables and be serious about riding, tacking, and properly grooming their hoses. It is limited to 5 students who are very serious about focusing on proper form and technique.  



--------Winter Intensity 2025: 2/15-2/16, Sat-Sun

*Saturday the 15th: 5:00-7:00, Sunday the 16th: 3:00-7:00

*$300 ($50 deposit, spot only secured by deposit)

*This 2-day camp is for riders who are intermediate to advanced (have at least begun canter work) and currently ride with Silvers Stables. It is limited to 8 students. This is for serious riders who desire to better themselves with multiple rides in a row and little time for rest. These riders must be able to ride 3-4 times in a row during their intensity sessions without rests or breaks in between. This camp is INTENSE. There is much packed into a little time and a lot of quick moving parts.  Student must be able to at least mostly groom/tack their horses on their own. This is open to regular lesson students as well as Academy/Performance show riders. If you have any questions, please ask Kati. Spots only held with paid deposit.










-NOTE ABOUT CAMP AND INSTRUCTION: These camps are not your typical horse camps. Children and adults usually walk away with huge improvements in their riding and large increases in their knowledge. Quality instruction from multiple instructors guides students forward while being extremely informative and fun. 


-Parents do not stay for camps and students should be comfortable away from their parents for the duration of their camp. Show Team / Pre-Team Parents may stay for Show Team Camp.


The rider weight limit for all camps is 185 lbs.


*Non-refundable deposit due per student per camp to hold spot. The rest of the camp fee is due on the first day of camp. Please private message Silvers Stables or call/text 864-554-4674 (Kati Silvers) to sign up for camp. No spot will be held until deposit is paid. Deposit is non-refundable and non-trasnferrable.


-Information Form and Release required before a child under the age of 18 can stay for camp and before anyone can ride. Please fill this out on the first morning of camp.


-Helmet - All riders, adult or youth, must wear a helmet – helmets are provided, but feel free to bring your own. 


-Silvers Stables also offers a Tiny Tot program for children ages 3-4, and weekly lessons for adults and children, ages 5 and up. 


-5075 Jordan Rd. Greer, SC 29651


© 2023 by Silvers Stables

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